Introducing the brand new CHIVE Points!

Hold onto your butts. Today, Wednesday, July 13, in The Year of Our Lord 2016, we've finally done it. We've built a HUGE bridge between theCHIVE, The Chivery and iCHIVE and developed a brand-spanking-new points system.

Get this: It's called CHIVE Points.


That's right. We've combined forces to make it even MORE worth it to be Chiver! Now, simply by being an active user on iCHIVE, you can earn points to redeem free stuff at The Chivery! It's stupid-easy and amazing and if you don't use this to get a ton of free stuff it's ON YOU.

There are now officially a metric shit-ton of ways to earn points through iCHIVE, each with a Chive Point value. Here they are:

  • Visit iCHIVE -- Get 1 point per day, max. 7 per week

  • Submit a piece of content -- Get 5 points per day you submit, max. 35 per week

  • Share an iCHIVE post to your Facebook -- Get 5 points a day, max 35 per week

  • Comment on another submission -- Get 1 point her day, 7 days/week, max. 7 per week.

  • Submission upvoted score of 50 -- Get 15 points, straight up

  • Submission Featured on iCHIVE -- Get 50 points, straight up

  • Submission featured on theCHIVE -- Get 100 points, straight up

  • Plus, every new net follower you get earns you a point!

Because we don't want you to miss out on any opportunities, we're also going to retroactively award points you've already earned by being a member on iCHIVE! Every submission you've had featured on the Dopamine Dump will get you 50 points, and you'll earn 1 point per net follower you have. That means if you have 25 followers, you'll get 25 points. When you hit 26 followers, you'll get another 1 CHIVE Point, and so on, until you break the Internet with Fame. Or just run us out of business.

Now for some light housekeeping

The True Chivery Faithful may remember The Chivery Loyalty Points program. Now that we've polished it up, we're just calling it Chive Points. In that way, it's basically only a name-change. SO DON'T THINK WE'VE FORGOTTEN YOU! Just like the former loyalty program, 1 CHIVE Point on The Chivery still equals $.01 and you'll still earn points the same way you did when you signed up for The Chivery Loyalty Program the first time around (link to former post). That includes referring friends and visiting our The Chivery itself, too. So don't forget to still do those things so your points will rack up faster.

Oh, and yeah, you'll keep the points you've already earned, of course.

Because we're not assholes.

Well, not all of us.

Note: Small thing. If you happened to sign up for The Chivery's Loyalty Rewards with a different email than your iCHIVE account email, you can fill out a quick form over HERE and select from the Issue drop-down "Chive Loyalty Program." Explain the sitch and we'll settle all that shit in no time flat. Just remember: We're not trying to hurt you. We're trying to love you. Won't you please just let us love you?

So that's it! Get over to iCHIVE and start building your CHIVE Points empire today!

Happy Chiving!
The Chivery's League of Nations
