Everybody Loves a Winner: The Chivery Does Sports
The NBA Finals. The Stanley Cup. The X Games. This week is full of some the year's most exciting sporting events. And, because we're all about shameless self-promotion here, we couldn't let it all pass without plugging some of our gear. But, we also wanted to applaud those teams (and ourselves) and to keep it interesting, so we're going to include some hotties showing off their team spirit, too.
NBA Finals!
The Golden State Warriors eked past the Thunder on Memorial Day, and now face an arguably easier threat in the East Champs (seriously the East has had a tough time over the last ... decade) with LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers. You can celebrate the Warriors historical year with this Keep Calm Golden State tee, or you just celebrate with these two Golden State and Cleveland fangirls.
The X Games in Austin!
Stunts! Bicycles! Blink 182! Austin! The X Games are here (literally, like right down the road from us). It's a great time to remind us all that danger is still cool as fuck. What could be a better way to say that you're not afraid of dying by death-by-falling-on-your-fucking-head than this Safety Third T-shirt from the stunt-doubles over at Buy Me Brunch? Yeah. And here are some photos of ladies on bicycles.
Baseball continues to be a thing!
We're about a third of the way through the season and this writer's beloved Baltimore Orioles are finally showing signs of weakness. Still, what better time to jump ship on a team you've loved since you were seven years old (and Cal Ripken was in his prime) and pick a team that could probably make it to the playoffs? Hell yeah! Or, if you're BRAVE enough to support the club currently projected to finish last in the entire MLB, there's this classic shirt. Whether you're a Reds fan or a Cubs fan, we can all agree these girls could help any team make a post-season run... (except the Braves).
Stanley Cup Finals!
Pittsburgh took game 1 against the San Jose Sharks earlier this week and will try their hand at it again tonight. But then, we did a completely shit job at guessing who would make it this far, so here are our Chicago and Boston shirts, to ... um... prepare for next year! Here are two winners we liked...
General Sports excitement!
And if we don't have any of your teams in stock, feel free to enjoy this Cocksville Blockers tee! It'll stop people in their tracks. You know. If they're trying anything funny.
That's all for this week at Inside the Vault. Tune in next week for more shamelessness.