Where It All Started
There's a certain appreciation, nay, a respect you have when a fellow Chiver crosses your path. There's an instant connection between the two of you. That appreciation, that respect, that connection was all the motivation we needed to make sure we went the extra mile for you T-Shirt junkies. And we don't plan on stopping anytime soon. The custom cut and sew design, the gold foil label, the QR code, we pride ourselves in making sure our apparel is crafted to match the uniqueness of every Chiver wearing it. So be proud when you see a fellow Chiver walking proudly within the ranks because that bond between everyone of us is where it all started. That bond made of Awesomeness and a knowledge that the Tees you're wearing are probably the best Tees in the world. Keep Calm and Chive On, everybody.
Our very first shipment of Keep Calms arrive at our offices. We didn't know what we were in for. Watch the start of our new Cut and Sew line, bringing unrivaled quality to our T-shirt blanks. RIGHT HERE

The original Keep Calm and Chive On returns to The Chivery tomorrow @12PM PDT 3PM EDT.